Why choose us?
Getting finance on your new car has never been easier. It allows you to save your cash and spread it out monthly. Allowing you to keep your money for a rainy day or maybe even splash out on a holiday. Come to us directly for the best deal possible. We are a fca approved dealership and all of our staff are fully SAF accredited, receive constant training and yearly exams to offer you the best advice.

You enter into an agreement over a fixed period at a fixed instalment. Upon payment of the final instalment, the vehicle becomes yours. We can tailor the deal to suit your needs with deposits starting from only £100.
- An alternative funding line to bank overdrafts
- Ownership at the end of the contract
- Low initial outlay
- Flexible contract
- Fixed monthly cost
- Business capital not tied up in a depreciating asset
PCP works very similar to Hire Purchase (HP) – with the added advantage of a guaranteed future value on the vehicle (GFV) at the end of the period.
PCP is for the individuals who want the option of eventual ownership, coupled with the security and peace of mind of the Finance Company guaranteeing the vehicle’s value (subject to normal wear and tear and an agreed mileage) at the end of the period.
The option of a low initial deposit is payable, followed by a fixed monthly payment for the period of the finance. At the end of the agreement, the guaranteed future value (GFV) becomes relevant and you have 3 end of contract options:
- The vehicle may be owned by paying the guaranteed future value. This value is fixed at the start of the agreement and will be as stated in the original documentation.
- The car can be handed back to the Finance Company, subject to the vehicle meeting the conditions in the agreement.
- The vehicle may be part exchanged against a new vehicle using any equity, the difference between the cars trade-in value and the guaranteed future value, as a deposit. Cars must be within certain age and mileage criteria for PCP.